Friday, December 15, 2006

Minimalist Holiday

Here I am again, back in the same place I was last year, and the year before, and the year before that. Back in the "Oh, crud, it is the holidays and society says we are supposed to buy each other gifts." Usually, I make something for friends and family. Nothing big but definitely heartfelt. Generally it is something edible (or drinkable). Unfortunately, this year I have not had either the mental energy or the time to even think about gifts. Gifts are starting to roll in for me and my family and I am left with a sense of guilt that I am not doing more. I swear it is not that I am a miser!!! I just struggle so much with "stuff" that I don't want to foist "stuff" on other people. Now, I have bought gifts for my immediate family - but they are things that were requested or things I know are needed. When I find a gift that seems perfect, I will buy it. It is just that that rarely ever happens.

I have been getting a daily email from a website called, "Ideal Bite". Today's "bite" was about giving gifts to people who don't need anything. Here is the link: I am not posting this to give ideas for me (really - I don't need anything!) but to give ideas for other people.

Any idea how I can label my link instead of just posting the link???