Thursday, November 27, 2008


While on one hand, Thanksgiving is my favorite "food holiday" (followed closely by Halloween - yeah baby), on the other hand; it is also a day of gratitude. There are so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful for every member of my family (nuclear and extended). I am thankful for my friends, my cat, and my lovely house. I am thankful for my job which is challenging and interesting. I am thankful to live in a world where Obama will be the next president and the hope that brings. I am thankful that I didn't get booed out of my living room when I played the first song I ever wrote on my bass guitar for our guests. I am thankful to be alive.

What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Closing the Political Gap

Ok. The election is over. People are ecstatic. People are inconsolable. Everyone has an opinion.

This election was interesting for many reasons and here are two. One, voter turnout was the highest in 44 years. Two, we elected an African-American president. Here are some quotes from world leaders about Obama's win.

But, now what? Politics is divisive. People pick a side and they are passionate about that side. How do we now close the gap that we created? How can we find a way to be one United States?

I am not asking rhetorical questions here. I really want to know what you are thinking. How can we come together? Share your thoughts on how to cross political boundaries and work together to create a country using hope. I look forward to reading them. And I will share my ideas as well in the coming weeks.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exercise your right to VOTE!!!

I know the lines are long. I know they make it difficult. But it is your right to vote and you should exercise that right.

I don't even care who you vote for (well, maybe a tiny bit). The important thing is that you make your choices known.


Need more encouragement? Go here and read the quotes about how long people would be willing to wait in line to vote: