Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day 19: Nanowrimo


Words written so far: 31,747 total.

Impressions: One thing I don't like about Nanowrimo is there is no incubation time. When you are writing to a deadline every single day, there is no time to let ideas take root, grow or even ferment. But that isn't really the point of Nanowrimo is it? I think the points are to a) set an awesome goal and do it and b) get into the habit of writing every day. Now, I don't think that I can keep this pace up indefinitely. In fact, I may only be able to keep this up for say another 10 days or so. I am writing 1.5 - 2 hours a day (this includes working on the novel, writing these posts plus posting on the Nanowrimo website). This is precious, precious time. I do like my novel and I am thinking it may even be something worth publishing. But when this challenge is over, I am going to add some incubation time into my writing schedule. And when I am done with writing, it will be time for editing. I think I will wait till after the holidays for that!

Oh, and last night was terrible! I was so tired that I am not even sure I made sense. I am not letting myself re-read anything because I don't want to go down an editing hole. I can only hope it is worth keeping.

Likelihood of finishing NaNoWriMo: 100%. Only 18,353 words to go...

1 comment:

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