Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day 6: Nanowrimo (and NaBloPoMo)


Today's goal / alternative "finish early" goal: 10,000 / 10,714
My total words written: 10, 847 words total.

Impressions: Yahoo! I made it past the 10K mark. I am over 1/5 done! Yahoo! I am so tired today that I wasn't sure I even had the energy to write. When I looked to see how much I needed to write to stay on track, I realized it wasn't that much. I decided to just go for it. I am glad I did as I got some pretty cool concepts on paper, er, I mean into the computer.

Because I have a day job, a cool man and 3 small kids, the only time I can work on this is when the kids are all asleep at night. The problem with that that I am always leaving the writing until late at night. I remember reading an interview with Charles de Lint and he was talking about writing and said he had a page goal every day and couldn't go to sleep until he finished it. He talked about if he wrote in the morning, he would be done! I'd like to do that but so far it hasn't happened yet.

Last night on the website I saw that Chris Baty had done a writing exercize which looked cool. Here is what he wrote: "Borrowing a question from one of Tavia's Young Writers Program exercises. Namely: What do each of my characters want more than anything else in the world?" I thought about this question during the day and couldn't come up with a single thing my main character wanted. I realized I didn't know her very well!

Likelihood of finishing NaNoWriMo: 100% because I am still on track.
Likelihood of finishing NaBloPoMo: and going...

Is anyone out there reading this??? Please let me know. I have never blogged this much in my life and I feel like I am blogging into a black hole!


Unknown said...

I am here and reading every post. Way to go on getting 1/5th done!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading! And darned impressed. Hhhhhhh yeah. Still living the TV life at all times, I see! :-)

ering said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me know you are out there. You two totally rock! I appreciate that you are reading my posts.